i copy paste dari hilmi, then tagged by AKIF and NINA. heeeeeh. 1) Write your full name with your elbow. 2) No backspacing. 3) Tag 10 people to do this. aak mohd ihytifazasuddxji n bin bj plovg omarfa,lik real name - ak mohd ihtifazuddin bin pg omarali. TP (inside language, HAHA) kan tu nama ku ah, bida jadinya. haha. currently, laughing seorang diri tu pasal the nama thingy. cali ah. adakah suruhnya pakai elbow. =D im tagging : to those who wants to try.HAHA
upcoming show this 29th november, saturday. dup dap dup dap jua jantung i ni. haha, first time tah ada orang nari goyang jubur disekolah ni (PCD/danity kane sekolah menengah berakas ni kami ani). haha. baik kamu (teman sekolah i) teriak/sorak. of all members arah group ku atu, nama ku saja ah kamu teriak. jangan boo lah. haha. ;pwish me luck and goodnight, salam. ;) sincerely, ihtifazuddin
im tired. esok rehearsal, the day after tomorrow pun rehearsal. friday ada soundcheck, itupun if kami datang. then the actual day tia. hehe, i have no pictures to update right now. ill post the pictures yang on the actual day, 29th saja. confirm banyak gambar, video terus lah jua. heeh. ;p to you sekadar mati jua kau ah. ditagur sikit pun sudah menangis. we're just being fair. kamu tagur kami, kami tagur kamu balik. duh! you have your own leader, we have ours. :) mwa. ♥ ihti O
like a performer.
its 2.17 a.m. now. i just finished this whole new blogskins. it took me years to finish it. so what? im new to this skins stuff! HAHA. i hacked one of the bloggers just to liat how its done. from 12.40+ until 2.17? WOW! atu batah. haha. goodnight, im sleepy. i have dance practice later from 8a.m. til 4p.m. its going to be a very tiring day!
![]() wane's words - UDC's dance practice is going pretty well. all of our steps are done and now, the only thing we're left to do is to polish our moves. hopefully by saturday, IF our bodies and muscles are not cramping and aching anymore, we'll start making things as perfect as we can. on the 26th, we will be reviewed by the admin and either on the 27th or 28th, we will have our full rehearsal so hopefully, we can pull this off and let the spotlight shine on us! pretty please? ;) UDC also joined a drama musical with the Einsteins which was personally created by our own Sir Raub. i have to say, the drama is pretty funny. i really have no idea what exactly is going on in Sir Raub's head when he came up with that drama but the hell with that. it'll be fun! ;D a little inside story; we're having some issues with some people at our school. i wish i could tell the tale here but i'll keep it to myself for now. *winks* zizan's words - UDC oh babe ! you are so gonna LOVE THEM ! hahaha LIKE SERIOUSLY, i've watched their performance udah and it was MARVELOUS ( luruskah ??) huhuhu.. They will also be performing for this 'Acara Akhir tahun'. So, Every Single SMB students out there ! be sure to come and watch them perform ! i can guarentee you that you guys will 'WOWW !' their performance, trust me huhuhu and for that particular person " boy, ehh no, Granns ( since you're OLD ! ),.. just wanna tell you that you're messing with the wrong group of person ! " amin's words - UNEXPECTED DANCE CREW (UDC) as usual tadi kami ada practise nari, smua steps kami dh siap, kn melancarkan lagi..supaya lawa lah, mau jua kami (UDC) nari paling lawa di antara smua group2 yg kn buat persembahan 'akhir tahun' ani..maybe ari sabtu kami blatih g..26th ani dance kami kn kna review..rehearsel nanti 27th or 28th.. nanti kami Einsteins kn buat 'drama musical' ,iatah tadi kami me-record suara..aku blakon jadi 'pemuda yang tampan' ,wehehehe..ari santu jua x kami kn blatih.. UDC - unexpected dance crew IHTI AMIN LEO WANE HANI YIENA tadi kami blatih nari d skulah..nanti kami kn perform 29th ani..baru tadi blajar steps nya..lawa n laju..payah plg sal baru2 blajar steps a2..kami blatih dari pkl 10.00am till 3.00..hahaha..lagu2 yg kami kai 'all nite' from janet jackson , 'bad girl' n 'damaged' from danity kane..kami baru blatih smpai bad girl..choreographer nya Ihti..rugged xah steps nya..part rh bad girl yg PALING lawa.. sok g kami blatih..masani sakit n sangal brabis kaki ku.. anything else to say? =) ♥TM
1. Take a recent picture of yourself or take a picture of yourself right now
wane nominated me. So, im going to nominate; i nominate random people, sorry. haha. ;) |
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